Monday, November 17, 2008


I want to welcome my faithful blog followers and any newcomers that happen upon 'The way is love.'

This blog is an amalgamation of my love for writing and my deep belief in the spiritual.

I hope this blog will become an open forum for honest discussions about all that is healing, loving and spiritual in our universe.

Every person on this planet is their own unique universe, but, as humans, we share common bonds as well. It is important that we acknowledge the uniqueness of all while accepting our common bonds.

I have been on an incredible journey and it has spanned many years of my life. I have arrived here after reading many books and magazines, living through some incredible relationships and finding myself each step of the way.

I will try to lead this blog with forward-thinking, ingenuity and my love of life. I welcome any questions and comments you may have about the books I post, the blogs I write and any other topics you may want to discuss, hear more about or ask questions about.

Today is a new day--embrace it!

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Please feel free to make comments and ask questions.
I will respond to you as soon as I can.

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Have a great day!