Friday, November 21, 2008

Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle

I started reading Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle about one week ago.

Actually it was exactly seven days ago because I'm on page five. Sound strange? I will explain.

Stillness Speaks is not a book in the traditional sense and it is definitely not like The Power of Now nor A New Earth.

Stillness Speaks is a collection of thought-provoking ideas that help us return to ourselves and our inner stillness.

The many phrases and paragrahs in the book have been written to make us peaceful and more ourselves. We are encouraged to not only notice but pay conscious attention to the nature around us. Tolle also encourages us to read the book slowly, carry it around with us, spend more time not reading it than reading it and to read it in bits and pieces not necessarily from cover to cover.

I admit when I started reading it I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting a book I could really sink my teeth into like his other books, but I have come to understand the wisdom behind this book.

As Tolle states, "It is reminding you of who you are and pointing the way back home."

One of the reasons why I have become so interested in writings such as Tolle's is that the world around us can seem so chaotic. I used to be caught up in that chaos at a time when I still believed that drama in life was normal.

I no longer live a life that is chaotic or dramatic and I have Tolle, in part, to thank for that.

Even so it took me a couple days to really read this book less and become peaceful more.

Now I leave the book on the corner of my office desk and I pick it up two or three times throughout the day and read the same entry again and again.

I then allow myself to think about what he has said or become still and focus on a tree and really feel peaceful in my soul.

I highly recommend this book to you whether you have read Tolle's other works or not.

As Tolle says, "It is the stillness that will save and transform the world."

If you have any questions about this book or any of the other books I've mentioned please leave me a comment and I will respond to you as soon as I can.

Thank you very much for reading and experiencing The way is love.

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