Thursday, December 17, 2009

Share the holidays

With the holidays rapidly approaching a lot of people come face-to-face with personal realizations.

The holidays are a time to rejoice in family and friends, to enjoy parties and, for some people, to realize loneliness and despair. It is a time when our society focuses on giving gifts and buying things and travelling to see loved ones and being together.

But there are always people that have no one to visit and no one to spend their holidays with. These people feel left out and alone and that's one of the most desperate ways a human can feel.

It's as if we become hyper-sensitive to the fact that not everything is as we would like it to be and we can become convinced that we are the only ones alone and lonely. That simply isn't the case.

If you can this holiday season reach out to someone you know who needs a bit of extra help to make the season bright. Invite them over for dinner or out for a Christmas party or to go sledding with your family. It doesn't have to be much to help them get through the holidays with a smile on their face.

And if you feel alone and lonely remember that the holidays are just another time of year and being alone doesn't mean that you are unworthy or less than anyone else. Sometimes we all spend time alone with ourselves. It is the universe's way of making sure we sit back and take stock of our life, that we talk with ourselves and make some realizations about how we are living our lives.

I wish you all a very happy holiday season and remember: You are never truly alone because you always have yourself.

Peace and love to you all,
