Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Being according to Janice

Janice wrote me a short letter that I thought was eloquent in its simplicity and wisdom.

She gave me the permission to share it here with you.

Dear Jacqueline at The way is love,

I think you will understand where I am coming from.

I have come to the point in my life where I have realized that I no longer have to be what my parents think I am or expect me to be. I have come to realize that my family, friends and lover should accept me for who I am because of who I am. I am not perfect, nor do I ascribe to be, but I am genuine and honest and real and gentle.

I know that my potential goes far beyond what my mother's imagined or hoped for me. I know my choice of profession causes my father to ask himself, what's she thinking. I say, if that is the case, well, so be it.

I have struggled with accepting the fact that I have always intimidated my mother, mystified my father and been ignored by my extended family. I no longer believe I am the product of anyone else's mind or expectations. I have chosen another route that is, and will be, purely my own.

I think I have finally come of age, come into my own and taken ownership for where I'm going and who I'm going there with and it feels good, and a little frightening. But then isn't anything that is worthwhile? I say yes.

I wanted to share this with you because I think you've been here, in your own way, and I acknowledge that and honour the journey: The journey that is each our own.

Yours truly,


Thank you very much, Janice.

And I wish you luck and courage on your journey of life.

Peace and love,


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