Sunday, April 25, 2010

There's nothing you cannot do

I looked at my horoscope today and realized that it was strangely prophetic and good advice considering what I've been thinking about recently.

It said, "Keep telling yourself that there is nothing you cannot do in this life and you will go a long way in a short space of time. What would you choose to do if there were no restrictions? Do it right now."

Restrictions...what are they exactly? Are they financial, personal, physical, emotional?

I heard recently in the news about a 92-year-old woman who won at the Senior Olympics, and she didn't start training until she was 77! Does she believe in restrictions? I really don't think so.

I realize that everyone's life situation is different and people have their own issues, situations and realities that they have to accept and deal with. I have had my own share of them too and I know that life can throw you a curve ball when you least expect it and sometimes when you're at your most vulnerable. Life is filled with happiness, sorrow, hard work, heart ache, joy, fun, love, anger, frustrations and choices.

But believing that you cannot do something will definitely stop you from doing it. I think restrictions are all in our heads. The only constant in life is change, so what was true yesterday may not be true today. The only true moment we have is now. I find this idea very liberating because if we live our Now moments with purpose the rest will follow. Even my horoscope says, "Do it right now." And the questions is, when else can I do it?

So, if I can do it right now then what I believed before doesn't matter anymore, only what I believe now matters.

I think I will believe and live as if I can do everything that I want to do. How quickly will things change? How quickly will I start to see results? I'll let you know.

But I do think it's all about belief. I'm sure Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa and Marie Curie, among many others, would say that change begins in our brains and hearts, and then the behaviours follow.

So changing what I believe now will change my soon-to-be future as well. What I believe will move through my life like a gentle lapping wave that will grow larger and more powerful as my belief grows with it. That belief momentum will push me forward and wonderful, amazing things will happen in a very short time.

There is nothing I cannot do. I believe it for me, and I believe it for us all.

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